
The League of Pompous Names

After I finished my little introduction, Boss whisked me away to the meeting place and said to wait while he gathered the others. The meeting place was an abandoned warehouse in the middle of…somewhere. I'm not quite sure where as we used Bliss to get here. Special little treat people like me get to use is Bliss for fast travel. Normally Boss doesn’t like people treading on his turf. I got to say that Bliss is one of the weirdest ways to travel though. Other Domains you actually travel through, like you walk a short distance and then you’re at your destination. But with Bliss it`s just FLASH and you’re there. It’s like travelling via white wash.

I sat myself down while waiting for the others to show, which took about thirty minutes. Everyone came the same way I did, white washing (cuss that’s totally the new term for Bliss travel) through the door. There were eight of us in total, some of them I knew or at least knew about, others… not so much. 

One I was surprised to see was Mordecai, who was off brooding in a corner. He recently became the head of the central Timberwolf faction after the death of his father. He’s technically the most powerful man in the Timberwolves besides Boss himself. I was happy to see him, a nice familiar face. Can’t say the same for him though, he didn't seem too happy with me. That may be because the last time he saw me I was making a condiment stew in his shoes but hey that was three months ago. I thought he’d forgive me by now.

The only other people that I knew personally were Charon and his crony Locke. Charon I can only be described as having the biggest hard-on for the 1920’s. Seriously, the guy goes out of his way to dress like a 20’s mobster to the point that I think the only things in his wardrobe are pinstripes and fedoras. He even speaks with a Brooklyn accent that to this day I swear is fake. Locke on the other hand, is the complete opposite. How those two managed to become so close is beyond me. At best he’s a computer nerd. At worst he’s a genius. You know one of those guys that just love to rub it in your face and end’s every sentence with “I am a genius you know.”

The next guy I had only ever heard of, Horus. He’s the leader of the up and coming Egyptian branch called the Udjats. Yeah, apparently we’re spreading to Egypt now. And I thought I was going to be the most foreign, being from Italy. The guy looked more ready for a party then a Timberwolf gathering, being all dolled up in a suit top and dress pants. Also, dear god if you looked up shit eating grin in a dictionary you’d fine the one he gave me when he walked in. My lord… or would my Archangel be more correct… my Archie… My Boss?

Beside Horus was... Liber? I think that’s what his name was. Either way he was someone I had only heard of in passing mention. A rich boy who funds a good deal of operations for the Timberwolves. And boy does he love to show off his money. With the fancy tux (I was starting to feel severely under dressed for this meeting) and fresh hair perm he was sporting. Too bad his look was completely spoiled by the massive scowl he had on his face. Just one of those looks that screams “Stop breathing my air.”

 The last two of this little get together were the only ladies in the house. One of them, Freya, looked like she had just come from an anime convention (and took the whole buffet with her if you know what I mean) and didn`t bother to take off he costume. Seriously who goes around in a gothic dress and pigtails… I type while in my leather jacket and silver hair…. Shut up. I shouldn't rag on her though, she was the only one of us that seemed at all upbeat.

The other girl, Helen, was a total space case. She didn't say a thing throughout the whole meeting. She just sat there and stared at the celling. (And people say it looks like I'M on drugs.) I think Locke tried to talk to her but she just ignored him or maybe just didn't even notice him.  Didn't seem to matter to him though, he was pretty content with looking at her… um…eh… boobs.

 After everyone showed up it was still another few minutes before we really thought to acknowledge each other. Charon kicked us off;

Charon: Sooooo, we gonna get this meeting underway, or are we gonna start a standing club?
Dante: Oh Oh can I be in the club? Can I be in the club?
Locke: Sorry Dante, it’s a grown up’s club.
Horus: Hehehe.
Dante: Jerk
Charon: Seriously, why’d Archie bring us here if he’s just gonna make us stand around? I was in the middle of important dealings you know.
Locke: Microwaving a burrito is not “important dealings”.
Charon: … Ok I'm gonna side with white head over there, shut up jerk-face!
Archangel: Heh, I had at least hoped I could be back before you started hating each other.

Everyone sprang to life once Boss walked in. Well not so much sprang as looked in his direction. But hey, that was the most exciting it had been in the last half hour.

Dante: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Booooooooooooooooss.
Archangel: Hello Dante.

And in that moment I swear he rolled his eyes at me. No I don`t care that he`s wearing a gas mask, I could fucking tell. So Boss walked more into the room, surveying the area or something. I don’t know he looked from left to right, he could have been checking for sheep for all I care.

Archangel: Well it seems you haven’t killed each other yet. That’s step one at least.
Charon: Might it be frivolous to hope that “Step 2” is telling us what the heck we’re doing here?
Mordecai: Watch your tongue Charon. Remember who you’re talking to.
Archangel: I suppose an explanation is in order. I can tell you there is a reason to why you`re all here.
Charon: And that is…?
Archangel: A hunch of mine.
Mordecai: A… hunch? Excuse me Father, but what exactly do you mean by that?
Archangel: Exactly as I say Mordecai. I have a hunch about something soon to come, and I’ll be needing all of you together if it’s correct.
Horus: Father, is it really… smart to bring us all together based solely on a hunch? Some of us, me especial have much more important business to handle right now.
Archangel: You disagree with my methods Horus.
Horus: Yes. I believe you made a poor judgement.
Mordecai: HORUS!
Charon: Cheeky grin over there got’s some balls on him.

Archangel: Now, now. Horus I can assure you that my hunches are much more precise then one’s humans have. I can guarantee this little group will prove quite valuable as End Game approaches.
Dante: End game? Now there’s something I thought I’d never here, Boss wanting to end a game.
Archangel: This is no ordinary game I'm talking about Dante. The ending to the Great Game is almost here. Well it should be. Provided everything pans out. Which is why you’re all here. Each of you has something you can offer to help things run smoothly, and I need you together for this, too much risk thinning you out.
Locke: So this is a sort of pre-emptive strike than sir?
Archangel: More like the planning of a pre-emptive strike.
Locke: Brilliant.
Charon: I still don’t get what this means for us. What exactly are we going to be doing now?
Archangel: For now, nothing. You’re to stay here and wait for further instruction.
Charon: Stay here?!
Dante: In this little shack?!
Archangel: Shack? Did none of you bother to look outside?

At this point Boss lead us outside and showed us that what I thought was a warehouse was really a garage, which was connected to this really nice looking house. Still in the middle of nowhere it seems though.

 Archangel: I had Liber’s men built this a year ago along with many other “Safe Havens” for Timberwolves. You’ll be living out the next while here. There should be enough space for all of you.
Horus: Heh, with all this it’s starting to feel like we’re some kind of super group.
Charon: What are we the Timberwolf version of the Justice League?
Archangel: Well I was going to give your team a name. I find that boosts moral.
Dante: Oh oh oh!
Archangel: You don’t have to raise your hand to speak Dante.
Dante: Can I suggest a name, can I suggest a name? How about, now bear with me here, how about The League of Pompous Names!
Archangel: … Well if Dante’s done being an idiot.
Dante: But I was serious.
Archangel: I think The Comedy is a fine name. It’s one of the few books written I find enjoyment in.
Charon: The Comedy eh? Well it sure is fitting. People will sure be laughing at us like a comedy…
Archangel: Oh, and also for the record. A log of your activities will be kept. I've become quite fond of the “Blog” concept, so you’ll be using that.
Dante: Oh so that’s why you had me make that blog earlier.
Archangel: Yes Dante, in fact you’ll be in charge of documentation.
Mordecai: Dante?!
Locke: Excuse me sir, but is that wise.
Archangel: Dante is an expert at getting into other’s business, so yes. I think he’ll keep… good records. That and it will keep him occupied.

And with that this blog was born! Yeeeeeeaaaah!

It’s my job to keep you informed on all things related to The Comedy. (My name is still better).

So welcome all, to The Silver Lining.

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